Foal Pellets

Foal Pellets

Concentrated Nutritional Support for Foals.

Main Ingredients

Soya bean meal, Oats, Wheat feed, Barley, Soya beans toasted, Wheat, Maize, Molasses, Alfalfa, Sunflower meal, Whey powder, Soya bean oil.

Key Features

• 20% protein with milk solids and extra Calcium encourages sound growth.
• Supports foal nutrition when mares’ milk is declining in quantity and quality.
• Reduces the effects of the stress of weaning.
• Small pellet format eliminates feed sorting and guarantees diet balance.
• Yea-Sacc® live yeast facilitates digestive system development by   improving.
• forage utilization and hindgut function.
• Bioplex® minerals and Yea-Sacc® live yeast improve mineral utilization for
• bone development.
• Selplex® organic Selenium helps to maintain additional antioxidant support.
• Proviox natural plant antioxidants improve vitamin E utilization.
• Can be introduced from three weeks of age.
